Few days ago, I heard this from one of my students.
A teacher was talking to one of the administrative staff. He was asking her why she hasn't had a boyfriend yet. She said that she have a current friend who is quite eligible but the schedule doesn't coincide. Then the teacher was asking her to maybe consider me. When the administrative staff heard that, she was like: Yikes... Don't want.
Reaction : What do you think my reaction should be?
More few days ago, I heard this from another of my student.
I went to the Science Centre and saw one of my student. She was in a school excursion with her Sec 1 level. I talked to her for a while, since it will be strange for a stranger to talk to a student if the teacher saw me talking to one of her students. Then when it was time for tuition, my student blamed me for going forward to talk to her. I was like: Huh? Why not? She told me that her friends thought that I am her boyfriend. But when the misunderstanding has cleared, she told me that one of her friends think that I am handsome and wanted to chase me.
Reaction : What do you think my reaction should be?
Actually, for me, I got more negative feedbacks than positive. I believe that out of my 28 years life, I got 3 positive comments than the infinite negative feedback. Haha...
But well, right now, I am feeling not good. Because I believed in someone whom I thought I should believe. Ya, even though it is missing a question mark, but is that a right reply back? Sigh! Never mind.
It will take time to believe again.

It is divided into 3 stories.
The first story is about a medium who lies to get more extra cash. One day, he thought of this system. In 4D, there are 10 000 combinations. The winning combinations are 23 of them. So according to him, he and his henchmen will call 10 000 of them. Giving them combinations from 0000 to 9999. Definitely, 23 of the callers will win. So he told them that they are to pay 20% commission for him to build a temple. If they do not, they will have misfortune. Basically, he is using fear to exploit people. Then there is one scene whereby he told his henchmen to buy oranges. His henchmen forgot to buy and they decide to get oranges from the roadside whereby the oranges are being offered to some spirits. Soon after, the medium received a call which he was offered a combination of 6666. He bought it and struck 1st and 2nd price. But he refused to pay because this system is what he thought of first. The man turned up to receive the commission and warned the medium that he will be knocked down by a car if the medium doesn't pay up. The medium was so angry that he went to the middle of the road and challenged any car to knock down him. No cars knocked him on the road he was standing upon but then a car from the top crashed down towards him and he died on the spot. It was then realised that the additional reason he died is because he was eating oranges from the roadside and that led the spirit being very unhappy.
The second story is 2 guys in the jungle. Serving their reservist in the jungle. They are advised to take the proper route and not take any shortcuts. This story is hard to narrate as it is more conversation based. Especially when 1 guy is talking to the other guy about the compass being spoilt. Example :
Guy 1: Hey, the compass is spoilt le. You turn, it points in this direction. You turn the other way, it also points in this direction. Spolit le. Spoilt le.
Guy 2: Wah, you don't know about compass huh? Compass is pointing to "Nan". That is why it is called "Zhi Nan Zhen". N stands for Nan (In Chinese, it means South.)
Guy 1: Oh, then what about S? What does S stands for?
Guy 2: S? Hmm... Si (In Chinese, it means West.)
Guy 1: Ok, then what about W?
Guy 2: W huh? Hmm... It stands for Women. So that side got women. We don't go that side.
Guy 1: Wah piang, W stands for Woman? You know how to use compass anot?
So this is basically one of the segments of the Story 2. I think the conversation between the two guys is good. Although the ending is lame. But well, Jack Neo is trying a new style.
Ok, for story 3, you have to watch Love Matters. Or else this story, you can't understand at all. Continuing from Love matters, the mother has some funny scenes with the 3 children. With Mark Lee, the mother wants her red bra. With Henry Thia, the mother is always asking him whether he has eaten. Then with Jack Neo, she told Jack Neo that she is all right to sleep anywhere. So this story is basically using those 3 scenes. But it is a story that quite touches people. Although it gets quite slow, but in the end, what this story is reflecting is that it is more blessed to have good health and peace than with monetary blessings.
So this is basically this bah for today. :)
A bit surprising when I went to the toy, games and comic convention today. It seemed dull when I entered in. But I can sense that if I went to the convention in the weekends, the atmosphere will change. There might be many cosplayers. Well, too bad I am working in the weekends or else I will definitely go and soak in the atmosphere. Just now at 2.56 pm, my another bag broke. Guess that it is too heavy.
In the evening, something happened. I shouted at a student again. sigh! My temper seems to be shorter and shorter each time. I always feel very frustrated when no one is listening or when they cannot absorb what I teach. It seems useless. How can I teach?
Negative comments running through my mind. So wish to hold these thoughts in captivity. But arrgh....
"Cannot pronounce properly. Lousy english."
"Can't explain clearly."
"So boring.........."
"Waste of time."
"......................." (No one is listening at all)
"Teacher, everyone is sleeping with eyes open."
What can I do?
Remember what you have preached. With man, it is impossible. But with God, all things are possible.
Can you still remember what you preached in the preaching test?
Do you still remember?
Remember what Eujean has said about your preaching?
"To me, your preaching is the best. You have put in so much effort. Thank you for showing effort being put in ur preaching."
Right now, I am crying... really crying... because I remembered what eujean has said. What I have done is of some impact to him.
Is it wrong to put urgency in the teaching? Is there a need to have many jokes? This is me. This is how I teach. I have a responsibility to the parents of the students. But they just don't understand.
They just don't understand. Why? Why? Why?
I have conveyed what I want to say here le. I have nothing more to say. I will keep on doing what I am supposed to do.
Because he believed in me. God believed in me.
Is there a need for their approval? No need.
You have done your best...
In the evening, something happened. I shouted at a student again. sigh! My temper seems to be shorter and shorter each time. I always feel very frustrated when no one is listening or when they cannot absorb what I teach. It seems useless. How can I teach?
Negative comments running through my mind. So wish to hold these thoughts in captivity. But arrgh....
"Cannot pronounce properly. Lousy english."
"Can't explain clearly."
"So boring.........."
"Waste of time."
"......................." (No one is listening at all)
"Teacher, everyone is sleeping with eyes open."
What can I do?
Remember what you have preached. With man, it is impossible. But with God, all things are possible.
Can you still remember what you preached in the preaching test?
Do you still remember?
Remember what Eujean has said about your preaching?
"To me, your preaching is the best. You have put in so much effort. Thank you for showing effort being put in ur preaching."
Right now, I am crying... really crying... because I remembered what eujean has said. What I have done is of some impact to him.
Is it wrong to put urgency in the teaching? Is there a need to have many jokes? This is me. This is how I teach. I have a responsibility to the parents of the students. But they just don't understand.
They just don't understand. Why? Why? Why?
I have conveyed what I want to say here le. I have nothing more to say. I will keep on doing what I am supposed to do.
Because he believed in me. God believed in me.
Is there a need for their approval? No need.
You have done your best...
120809 - part 2

Yesterday watched GI Joe : Rise of the Cobra.
It is quite a ok show, with quite a number of action scenes. So to me, it is still ok. Just that there is this part about two people wearing the accelerator suit chasing a car. I felt both of the two persons are redundant and was thinking how did snake eyes managed to get a train to crash the car. But well, maybe I might have overlooked something. But anyway, it is a ok movie.
120809 - part 1
This blog become like every month one post. This shows how many interesting activities I am engaged in. Haha...
Anyway, for the sake of my bag which has been with me for the past 8 months and this bag is a present from Melvin, so I would want to put up the photos of its remains now.
It snapped halfway when I was about to go to my student's place.
Many have told me that my bag is tattered and torn. But because it is a present from Melvin, I really do not want to throw it away.
Look at the frayed ends when it just broke.