

Is it my fault that my off day is on Thursday?
Why am I asked to take leave on Friday and go for Friday cell group?
I have said specifically that I can only go to Thursday cell group.
That is the arrangement when I multiply out of the cell group.
I know these will happen when I decide to join this company.
But I hope that I am wrong.
I know that all the leadership training, all the outings, all the fellowships, I might not join in.
I know that, I know that.
I want to prove to myself that people will not reject you because you can only join in cell group or service few times.
But it seems that I am wrong.
Outreach. Outreach. Outreach.
Seems that it is all hogwash to me. A pure illusion.
People out there, not all, can accomodate to the timings of religion. I want to show that it is possible to outreach even though it is not possible. But sigh!
Think that it is just not possible le.
Not disappointed in God. But disappointed in myself for not believing in myself.


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