

Today I talked with a helper in Joshua's cg. She gave me her revelation and I was quite astounded by it. She talks that she saw a image of a see saw. And Joshua was on the top and the rest of the members are behind. As this see saw is sloping, it gets harder to maintain it on top and some members might in turn slide it downwards.

From her description, I was thinking about the intimacy that we have with God. As you start out, the gradient towards God is gradual. Stepping out towards Him is easy. The longer you start on this relationship with God, we find that it becomes a exponential curve. Satan will try all means to push you down away from God. The gradient is steeper, we are crying more out for God. That is why it is never easy to be on the top. We got to respect and honour our elders in the body of Christ.

Image of exponential curve:



"All has been forgiven. I love you and Jesus love you. "

No matter whether I am right or wrong, I still have to apologise. Though I like the song: It's too late to apologise, it is never too late to apologise. So I guess we shall all move on from here le.


Feel quite bothered inside me. I do not know who to talk to since it seems that I am now at fault. What actually happened?

Few weeks ago, I told someone that I can sponsor his/her course materials. Today another person told me that that someone is not happy about me because I don't mean what I say. The someone has told me that he/she is borrowing materials. And my response is: "Oh ok, who are you still searching for the materials?" I did not tell him/her that I can sponsor the materials. Is that what I am supposed to say? It seems that when I did not mention it, it seems to the someone that I don't really mean that I am sponsoring. I thought that it is quite normal to ask me whether my deal still stands mah.

Isn't that what it is mentioned in the Bible? God's blessings are for us to receive. We have to ask for it and we can have it. It never mentions about God asking us about what we want, then God will give us.

But well, maybe all of what I think are excuses. If I did not mean it, I did not mean it.
Hmm... well, I guess I should go and sleep. And hopefully, I can just forget about all these.



Today is the first day of SOT. We have our administration first. Soon after, orientation starts. As you can see, we went to many places in Singapore. I felt so so so tired. Don't know whether I too old for it or what. But this is a different orientation than those which I have attended last time. What is so different, you may ask?

Wenshan, our team leader sprained her ankle. And the whole lot of us prayed for her at Kembangan. And it is in tongues somemore. I always thought we shouldn't do that in the open. But well, when I see everyone saying, I also joined in. Another team also joined in to pray for her too. I guess there isn't a time I have seen before people praying for other people in an orientation lor. Guess this is my first time. :)

Chinese Garden. Game: Scissors, Paper and Stone. My hair being gelled. No pic for that. Haha..

Expo. Playing captains's ball.
12 contact points ONLY? for 16 people. At Kembangan.
Hollywood Church. Now changed to a supermarket. ( At Paya Lebar) Decorate the Ice Kacang game. This is done near our old Hollywood church. Had some games at around 7 plus at Boon Keng area. ( Towner Road in fact ) - pic 1 Had some games at around 7 plus at Boon Keng area. ( Towner Road in fact ) - pic 2

Finally, a long awaited dinner at Chong Pang Seafood restaurant at Boon Keng



It means: It has been a long while.
I guess from today onwards, my blog will be more exciting as I am going SOT. There will definitely be many obstacles I have to face and through it all, my faith in God will definitely increase.
So well, today I went to children church for my ministry. They are still cute as ever. Haha...
Art and craft done by some of the children: