
221109 - part 2

After reservist, I went to JB with my cg members. We went to have a go at go-kart, eat Bak kut teh and shopping. Fun trip, except for my one small embarassing incident. Haha.. anyway, pictures again...

221109 - part 1

It has been few weeks ever since I blogged. So how did I spend my 1 month of paid leave?

For the first week, everyday is pure tiredness. Because I have been tidying my room. If you come to my room, it appears small but it is difficult to tidy, I tell you. 1 week is spent on this room.

Then what about the second week, it is time for me to report back to reservist. I still can remember what my OC told me and my 2 friends: "Actually I do not know why they called u back for." So, for the second week, I have been slacking and sleeping. But the bad thing is I have to report to Mandai camp before 6.55 am, which means I have to wake up at 4.30 am. Why is that so? For a morning jog lor. Haha...

Below are some pictures of my untidy room. Haha..