I really never would have thought I would have this part of the entry. But I think I cannot forget this... Today, Melvin preached on integrity. It might not be much. cause integrity is not based on knowledge but based on who that person is. Only a person with integrity can preach a message on integrity. Because this topic is based on the inner side of man.
However, what impresses me today is of a powerful revelation I have gotten from Melvin. My mind is completely washed away by the currents and torrents of this revelation. To link Arminian and Calvinistic approach with integrity is a bit strange. But he linked it very well. And I would never have thought that these two approaches on looking at God CAN be linked with integrity.
Ok, what is the Calvinistic approach? It is an approach whereby theologians believed that God has planned everything for us, and we are walking along this path without the choice of deviating from this path. If we are saved, it is because God has planned it to be. If we are not saved, that is also cause God has planned it to be.
For Arminian approach, theologians believed that God know who is saved. People has the free will to get themselves saved, and God will allow that choice to happen.
For a person of no integrity, he can say that he is meant not to be saved according to the Calvinistic approach. So he sees no point of changing for the better. Or he can say that he has the free will whether to change anot and God will follow his choice according to Arminian approach. That is a dangerous mindset.
God is of two approaches. He is not Calvinistic nor Arminian. He is God. Thus, to think in this dangerous mindset is placing all responsibilities on God instead and places no desire to change. This is a powerful revelation. Thank you, Melvin for all that you have shared.