
30th July 2006

30th July 2006

Recently, I was reading a book by John C Maxwell. It is a very good book. So I decided to put it here.

Today's attitude gives me Possibilities.

When you are in any circumstances, think upon the possibilities, not the problem. As what Melvin has said during cell group, Jesus thinks in the realm of the impossibility becoming a reality. If we got to be like him, we got to think like Jesus. What can we do to solve this circumstance?

Your attitude towards others often determine their attitude towards you. This, I am sure, everyone knows that. If you face a grumpy person, you will also be grumpy towards that person usually. Rite?

So if you want everyday to be a good day, take charge of the way you look at it.

Don't say I can't. But always say I can.


29th July 2006

29th July 2006

Today marks the start of a new life. A interesting life. Have you ever gone through a deliverance session? It really cleans up whatever is not supposed to be inside.


28th July 2006

28th July 2006

Finally met up with a long time friend. Never seen her for some time. Now she is studying ACCA too. Simply fantastic. I have another friend I can study with liao. Ha ha...


27th July 2006

27th July 2006

Wow, for today's offering message, it is definitely amazing. It is such a coincidence with today's sermon. The topic is about the dark valleys of life. And I am going to talk about the struggles we are facing through. God is amazing. He really fills me with awe.

Today's offering message:

Tonight, I would like to begin with a story. A story of a boy who is struggling with the issues of life. Since young, he has been feeling emotionally insecure. He had many relationships. However, his relationships tended to be short-lived. Friends joked that he is a cassanova. ( a play-boy). But they din know that each comment that they made hurt him more n more. He has a very good female friend and usually asked her why he always suffer. Are relationships not for him? Each time, this friend would reply that there is a time for everything. Soon after, he is a Christian now. Is he struggling with emotions? Still very. But how is he coping with them? It is better. Before, he contemplated about suicide and wondered whether anyone likes him. Now, he knows that that God loves him and his friends around him loved him.

Friends, this offering is about struggle. Everyone of us all struggle with life. To give or not to give. To love or not to love. To forgive or not to forgive. To forget or not to forget. You might struggle to give the best offering you have ever had. Last week, you might give five dollars. This wk, let me challenge you to give six dollars. Week after week, you are depending more and more on God. And that is what struggle in life is all about. Fulfill your destiny in life by overcoming the struggles.

Before I end off, I would like to say that attitude towards giving is all in the mind, not by circumstances.


26th July 2006

26th July 2006

Have you ever wondered in those Chinese heroic dramas, why monsters would want to enlighten themselves to be in human form?

Quite a contradiction to Darwin's theory of evolution which says that humans evolved from monkeys. Hmm... Are we then monkey monsters?

In all those shows, the monsters have recognised that to be enlightened, one has to "enlightened" to be human, and from human to a saint. Hmm... Quite a thought. When humans sometimes behave more like a monster than a human.

25th July 2006

25th July 2006

Today starts a half year plan of goals and a commitment to adhere to. Man is driven by goals and I wanna be motivated by my vision. Or else my future bleaks away.

This is my cell group N182. I do pray that it will multiply by the end of this year.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. "