

Yesterday, I was at my main branch tutorial centre printing some stuff when I noticed that there are some chicks in a box on a table. Very cute, right? Just wanna share what I saw.



Recently, some things happened.

Guess that a pessimistic outlook on life will result in turmoil for the soul bah.

Hmm... first thing. Definitely it is my mother's incident.
I guess at the moment, cuen cuen (assistant cell group leader) and yanli (my financial advisor) will know about this. But I think I am better now to share more about this. My mother is found to have a tumour in her brain. It is not cancerous. But there is a need to remove it through operation. There is a small risk. But no matter how small a risk is, it is still a risk. I hope and pray that nothing will go wrong.

2nd thing. Read a friend's blog. She is quitting cg because she has no money. Hmm... I can't reconcile these 2 things. Money has no bearing on attendance on cg. Just because you don't have money, it doesn't mean that you cannot go to cg. Just because you can't give cell group fund, you are not in the cg. That is not true. How many a times have I preached before in the offering message that an offering is an offering, a willing sacrifice from yourself to God? If you don't want to give, then don't give. No one is forcing you. What is the purpose of a cg? It will strengthen your faith in God. That is one thing I strongly believe in. Just going to service alone is of no use. Because you are on the receiving end. But you are not at the giving end. Not relating to people. Faith is not just of oneself. But everyone's. Yes, there is individual faith. But haven't you heard that iron strengthens iron?

3rd thing. A friend has broken up with her bf. Quite shocked to me. Thought that they will be married soon. Actually, if I wanna speak the truth, I was attracted to her the first day I saw her. But well, she has a bf. I can't say much. Now she is single. What can I do? I don't know. Cause I don't really go and know her more. Sigh. If the matters of the heart are equivalent to mathematics, at least I know that there will be at least one solution.

Anyway, I got to go now. :)



Theodarian and Practicary were once best friends. They were fishing, solving mathematical problems, catching earthworms. Life is simple but good. A day is mere seconds to both of them. As they grew up, problems emerge. Over money? Over love? Over reputation? Well, these are common debate questions between the both of them.

Theodarian is a smart person. And as his name suggests, he is well versed in theories. Theories of life. Theories of mathematics. Theories of universe. Theories almost about anything. He soon became a wealthy person. But his character did not get rich. In fact, it soon became a dumping ground for anything nice.

Practicary too grew up to be a man. But he did not get rich. He believes in practicality. Rich is not the only tool to be practical. Character is, that is his belief. Few years later, he married a nice young lady. Things suddenly change.

Theodarian saw, Theodarian lusted. Theodarian planned. Theodarian executed. Practicary did not see things coming. Bankrupt. Assets gone in just one day. Wife one day later is raped. Who else? Things are not going on well for Practicary and even worse, she hanged herself.

Disappointed. Dejected. Defensive. Practicary can't believe his own eyes that his best friend (or should I say ex best friend) is the mastermind behind his downfall.

Revenge. Revenge. Revenge. This is all he can think of.
"Since he is so good with his theories, let me pose a challenge to him."

In 15th BC, a challenge was posed.
Can you construct a perpendicular bisector and a angle bisector using a compass and a ruler?

Ultimate challenge is set. At that moment of time, no one can solve this question.
Practicary shouted, "If you can, I will give you back my memories."

No one knew that Practicary is Theodarian's friend. No one knew that Theodarian, the generous kind guy, is the mastermind behind Practicary's downfall. Everyone thought that it is just Practicary's sheer bad luck.

Now this challenge is set in a year for Theodarian. He think and he think and he think.

A few times, he almost constructed it but failed.

One year is up. Did he win the challenge?

--> to be continued...



Now, on Good Friday, I went to the National Museum for the Quest for Immortality. Before I went in, I remembered that unlike the past, it is free entrance. Now I need to pay $8.50 to see some mummies. I hope that it is worth the money. Below are the pictures.Goddess Sekmet
Serapeum Sphinxes

god imi-khent-wer
God horus and king horemheb
Mummy of nekhet-iset-aru

Finished the tour. Hmm.. My sentiments? Nothing much. Not as if I get to see the real thing. Maybe it will be good for me to have a tourguide to bring history to life.