070509 - part 2
Now for the second and third day in Japan, I have gotten accustomed to speaking Japanese and are feeling glad that I have made the right choice in coming. But I am here for mission trip, not just for fun. So I helped out as a camera man and also going to write a report about the whole mission trip to Pastor Zhuang. Anyway, for more photos, please go to my facebook - Alex Lim.
I had much food too in Japan and I gained two kg. Not bad a feat for someone who is there for few days and don't gain weight so easily... Oh ya, about the hot bath that they have, if i can take a photo of it, i will. But not possible. Cause only guys leh... can't possibly upload naked guys in hot bath rite? anyway, the water is so so so hot. I can't even go into the water but well, it is ok... got that experience too...
So let's have a bit of photos and post some things being preached by Pastor Zhuang.
For session 2,
Pastor Zhuang preached that in order to break through, all of us are to break free from the bondages of our past.
For session 3,
Pastor preached about why we should reach out and how we can increase church growth. A bit technical here. But as soon as he shared about his father about not being saved and has already left this world, the whole atmosphere changed. It struck a chord in everyone. In fact, everyone was telling me that session 3 is the best session.
For session 4,
Pastor preached about self image. A important topic not only in relationships but also in our personal living.
After the whole camp, we went to Fukuoka to shop and also to stay at Washington Hotel near Canal City.
So for some pics,