070509 - part 1
Finally back from Japan le!!!
On the 3rd of May 2009, I am so excited and nervous whether I am able to go to Japan because I have been feeling very heaty and I have dunked lots of water to drown out the heat in my body. And finally on the 4th of May 2009 at 1.10 am, I am boarding the plane to Japan. On the airplane, I was so excited because I am going to Japan...
Finally, few hours have passed and I am finally at Japan. A wish of 13 years has finally been fulfilled. As my flight is a transit flight, I am at Osaka, Kansai. Took coffee with Pastor Zhuang and Naomi.
From Fukuoka to Kumamoto is another 2 to 3 hours on the car. I am getting sick of travelling at this moment le. Half a day is gone because of travel? Arrgh...
But well, the scenery is nice to look at. Mountains and rivers. A scene which I can never see in Singapore.
Finally, I have reached Hinokuni Heights. The place where I am supposed to go for my mission trip. Wow, lots of people are waiting for us, welcoming us. Lots of familiar faces. They came to Asia conference last year and now I am in Japan being welcomed by them.
How I missed them... and now they are in front of me... especially Emi.
In the day is the checking in stuff. So after waiting and chatting for 2 hours with the Japanese, I checked in the room. Wow... Never imagine that I will stay in such a room.
In this first session, he preached about purity, passion and power. He shared about being pure in our hearts, having a passion for God and the people around us and desiring the power of God in all our churches, bring the Church to the next level.
Well, for the second and third days, it will be in another post.
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