Why isn't God doing anything?I went to a Christian bookshop this evening and saw a book. It is about why God isn't doing anything in this world. The reference is from Habakkuk. So I went back home. Read what Habakkuk is all about. In that time, violence and evil was soaring. Wherever you go, you see violence. Isn't it similar to the world we see today?
From a website that I refer to:
Some people think that men of faith never question God. They just sit and wait faithfully and patiently. But one thing we can learn from Habakkuk is that this is a misconception. Those who trust in God
can and
do question God.
God doesn’t always give us the answers we want or expect. We usually have it in our mind how we want God to answer our prayers. When He does it differently, how do you respond?
Just in Habakkuk, we see God letting evil prosper. The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. We don't understand the answer.
But still, we will praise God for whatever He is doing. We got to trust and believe that He is in control.