

Yesterday met up with a old friend, Weiwen. Oh my, she has grown up a lot. I believe that I haven't seen her for at least 10 years? Time passes. She is now working as a probation officer. But she really reminds me of the lady boss in "My wife is a gangster 1". Ha ha... I don't know whether is it because of her bossy look or wat. But it really reminds me lah. You told me that there is a photo of you in the Net. I really can google for it. Wow, I also saw your article. Very nicely written.

This morning, I opened my Email. Titled "Application for M.Sc. in Mathematics by Coursework, January 2008 Intake"

I excitedly opened it. Again and again to my disappointment, I am rejected. Dunno whether this is God's plan. Sigh!

27 November 2007

Lim Peng Cheng, Alex

Dear applicant

Application for M.Sc. in Mathematics by Course Work, January 2008 Intake

With reference to the above, we regret to inform you that your recent application was unsuccessful after careful consideration.

Thank you for your interest in our university.

[This email is an official notification. No letters will be mailed thereafter.]

Yours faithfully

Shanthi D/O Devadas
Management Support Officer
for Graduate Programmes Committee
Department of Mathematics
National University of Singapore
2, Science Drive 2
Singapore 117543
Fax: +65-67795452

Well, what can I do now? Applying back to NIE or should I go on as a full-time tutor? I seems to have no future. Seems bleak and black.

"A person without vision is like a living person with no soul..."


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