Exciting, Exciting, Exciting!!!
This past weekend has been exciting to me. I shall describe it starting from yesterday.
Pastor Sano, a pastor from Tokyo City Church came to our church. And I have the honour of bringing him around Singapore yesterday afternoon. Though my Japanese is not good, we communicated quite a while about his likes and interests in Singapore. We brought him around Chinatown, Clarke Quay and Little India. He loved his time here in Singapore. I hope that by the next time I see him, my Japanese would have improved and could speak to him more.
Starting from left: Elsie ( ex Jap tour-guide ), Me, Sano Sensei, Jiabin ( pioneer in Japan Mission Trip )
The day before yesterday is my birthday. Hee hee... I have a great time spending my birthday though I hope to have more activities after it. But well, I guess everyone is tired. Anyway, I chose 2 pictures out because :
In this picture on the right, do I look like an Ah Beng asking " Who is the manager in charge of this place? " It feels so out of fit in this picture. I wonder who is the one secretly taking this picture using my camera.
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